Pack for a Purpose – Masai Mara 2017 Part 6

We ended our week of Construction work at the Oloosinon Girls Secondary School and some education and fun with the Primary School students. We also had an opportunity to volunteer at the AMS clinic next door to the schools. Overall it has been an amazing experience to our Pack for a Purpose Masai Mara 2017 team and we want to thank Africa Mission Services and our donors to make this possible! Also special thanks to each individual of the team who prepared, dreamed, and worked very hard to make everything happen. 

We hope to start a Meal program for the schools, many kids come to school and spend the whole day without any food at all. They have to walk many kms to school and often times with empty bellies. Seeds Newcastle invites you to sponsor a kid for a meal for as low as $10 per month. Please contact us if you wish to be part of this dream!
