Give Life, Gain Life

“Sustainability, ensuring the future of life on earth, is an infinite game, the endless expression of generosity on behalf of all.” – Paul Hawken

Happy holidays! Wow, the year has flown by. With the gift-wrapping rush, Christmas music, and festive cheer, it is hard to imagine a more rich and special season.

After the December busyness, I plan to take a moment to journal about the past year. It could be as simple as a bullet-point page with the year’s highlights, lessons learned or challenges surmounted. This meditation puts me in the right framework to face the new year with a smile, my new goals in hand.

If you have found more of your purpose this year, resolve to not let it go. Before 2019 begins, make a plan to embrace what gives you meaning.

Remember that even if you’ve lost your purpose, you can regain it through being love in action. We were meant to give and grow!


Invest for an Impact: The SEEDS founders have hand-selected a portfolio of high-potential NGO’s for you to partner with. Visit our website at to view our recent additions to this group.

• Support Social Entrepreneurship. If you like to make smart investments and a positive impact on the world, use your resources to invest in projects that work to make a healthier world. The Instituto Kaleo, There is Hope and other projects are worth a look. See our website for more details.


We empower you to invest in the

vitality of those around you.

We offer classes and workshops 

to coax out your best self.

We believe that relational

living is key to happiness.
Bethany Erb, Editor in Chief. 