Food for Thought August

As I unpack amidst travel-worn luggage and dusty hiking boots, I think of Erika S’s words after returning from our Pack for a Purpose trip to Pursat, Cambodia: “It was eye-opening to see how simply [Cambodians} live, yet how self-sufficient they are. Coming home, I am inspired to start a veggie patch and get rid of all the clutter in my life!“

She echoes the thoughts of our international team that traveled to Maasai Mara, Kenya, and Pursat, Cambodia to work on social projects this past July. Being amidst the at-risk communities changed us. Inspired us to live simply, invest in community, and never stop taking action against poverty of the heart, mind, and life. It’s amazing what we can do when we’re together.

This month, let’s take a second to express gratitude for what we’ve been gifted, joy at what’s to come, and a plan to focus on what’s really important.

Camila Capel, SEEDS Newcastle CEO
