Archives: Courses & Workshops



  • Free information session
  • 15/10/24
Come to learn how we can help you to add years to your life and life to your years in a way to give you complete freedom and control of your whole-person health

People attending our program enjoyed results related but not limited to:

  • Normalised blood pressure
  • Normalised cholesterol
  • Weight loss and/or optimal weight achievement
  • Stable Blood Sugar levels
  • Pain relief
  • Sleep improvement
  • Healthy meals preparations
  • Connection with people that are like minded and supportive
  • Online content and resources to empower whole-person-health
  • Improvement in gut health
  • Improve in mental health: less anxiety and depression
  • Access to a private CHIP by SEEDS community online and in person activities
  • Hormone balance
  • Sense of purposes and meaning by getting involved with SEEDS community
  • and more

This Information session is Free but it requires registration! Come to find that the CHIP Program can empower you to achieve optimal health

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