Optimize Your Brain

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August 14, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

  • 240 per person
  • 7 sessions
  • Online (Zoom)
  • 14th August

Do you want to improve your capacity to learn, retain and apply knowledge? Could an increase in motivation, creativity and success in relationships be of benefit to you? Optimize Your Brain is a 7-week program designed to improve your life by helping you gain a higher brain function. Each session delivers the latest information, backed with science, and provides opportunities to practice what you have learned. Learn how caring for your brain could give you that edge you’ve been hoping for!

This is what you will get:

Intro Session

Find out what this course can do for your EQ, IQ and mental health.

1 – How to Enhance your Intelligence (part 1)

  • Understand what intelligence is and how it affects success in life
  • Recognise substances and behaviours that may hinder your full potential
  • Identify lifestyle factors that can influence intelligence
  • Explore curiosity and love of learning

2 – Nutrition and the Brain (part 1)

  • Learn the important nutrients that provide a mental health advantage
  • Identify foods that contain these important nutrients
  • Discover the importance of breakfast and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Explore creativity and hope

3 – Nutrition and the Brain (part 2)

  • Understand the benefits and best sources of omega-3
  • Identify and learn to avoid harmful toxins
  • Recognise the importance of starting the day by nourishing your brain
  • Explore self-control and gratitude

4 – Enhancing Emotional Intelligence (part 1)

  • Understand what EQ is and why it’s beneficial
  • Learn how thoughts affect who we are
  • Learn the ABC’s of CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy)
  • Explore kindness and social intelligence

5 – Enhancing Emotional Intelligence (part 2)

  • Identify six cognitive distortions
  • Recognise the symptoms of inflated pride
  • Learn the steps to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and apply them
  • Explore leadership and perseverance

6 – Enhancing your Intelligence (part 2)

  • Recognise the effect of entertainment media on academic success and longevity
  • Understand circadian rhythm and know how it connects to mental performance
  • Recognise the importance of setting aside time for rest on a regular basis
  • Learn the benefits of music and how to choose brain-optimizing music
  • Explore critical thinking and having a sense of purpose

This program is open for registration! It costs $240 per person.  This includes a workbook, textbook (The Lost Art of Thinking’ and food samples. If you already have the textbook (the Lost art of Thinking), you can deduct $75 from the program fee, and pay $165. Couples or two family members could also share the books and only pay $340 total.

Zoom sessions on Mondays 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Optional: DAAT test $75. Talk to your facilitator.


August 14, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Courses & Workshops Categories:


Camila Skaf


Online - By Zoom NSW 2290 Australia + Google Map
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