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September 1, 2021

We understand that everyone is doing life the best they can, but at times things seem to take our happiness and zest for life away. And even if you are positive person, something we all need a lift. What can we do about it?

We are here for you! And it will be rewarding for all of us to learn, experience and share this wellbeing journey together. The Lift Project is a fascinating lifestyle online adventure designed to lift individuals and communities. It uniquely brings together scientifically-proven strategies from the exciting fields of Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine. We promise you it will be fun and life changing if you give it a chance.

This project was developed and presented by Dr. Darren Morton as a product of many years of research and how own experience, to help people improve health and happiness and it is delivered to you by SEEDS to promote mental health because we recognise this is a pressing need during this time.

What are we offering? This is a 10 week online program that includes 10 video lessons on how to LIFT your mood and your health, and optional online meetings with trained LIFT by SEEDS facilitators and other participants to support and enjoy it with you. You will also get to be part of a private online group for all LIFT by SEEDS participants and receive additional resources.

This program is normal $99 per person and it will be entirely FREE to you and to whoever you invite for a limited time. Take time to share it with your friends and family! We welcome all individuals, families and communities.

Got questions? email us at

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September 1, 2021
Courses & Workshops Category:


Online - By Zoom NSW 2290 Australia
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Camila Skaf