In 2016, SEEDS Newcastle began with a goal: promote health by empowering community health ambassadors to become part of the prevention and management of heart diseases and mental illnesses that are leading cause of death in Australia. Our mission is to champion sustainable health transformation through the principles of Lifestyle Medicine, creatively blending evidence-based approaches with innovative community engagement. We are dedicated to empowering individuals and corporations by offering educational programs, hands-on workshops, and supportive health clubs. Central to our approach is mentorship and community-based initiatives that inspire and facilitate sustainable lifestyle changes. Our strategy focuses on making impactful changes at the local level, with each community’s success contributing to our global vision of a healthier, more resilient world. Our motto, ‘Act local, impact global’, encapsulates this commitment to turning local actions into global health revolutions
We are based in Cardiff, NSW, and we are currently entirely supported by volunteers, donations and sponsorships.