Relax into the Uncertainty

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim, you do not grab hold of the water because if you do, you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax and float.”


If I am honest, friendship is not my strong suit. The vulnerability that is
attached to long conversations, the inconvenience of spur-of-the-moment “retail therapy”
sessions or the chance of being hurt by well-meaning but unwise advice is
my constant threat at the start of any new friendship.

Friendship is a beautiful process, though. A healthy, trusting relationship
between two people can be the source of personal growth, emotional stability, and
great adventure (like the spontaneous flight to San Francisco that my best friend,
Kiara and I took in May! So. Much. Joy)

It seems that when I relax into the uncertainty of a potential friendship or
deepening connection, the initial fear that I experience is later replaced by greater
joy and fulfilment and connection. So this October, I challenge you to embrace
friendship! Relax into the uncertainty.



Say what you are going to do and then do what you say. Building
trust in a relationship is about letting your partner or friend know that
you are reliable and will deliver on your promises and act on your
vocalized intentions.

Show people that you care about them. When people know you care
about their interests as much as your own they will trust you. If they
know you are out for yourself, their internal alarm sounds and they will
say to themselves “watch out for that person.”




JOIN:  “Living Better”,  6-Week Course!

Don’t let an ongoing health condition rule your life!
Developed by a team of researchers at Stanford University, Living Better is a workshop-focused
approach to helping people cope with chronic health conditions.

SEEDS Newcastle will host a Living Better six-week course in October 2018, and is offering two FREE
information sessions in September. Are you ready to learn strategies to deal with your pain, fatigue and
frustration? Sign up now tochange your life!. Follow this link to register for a FREE information session: 

To see all upcoming courses and events, go to for more information and




We empower you to invest in the

vitality of those around you.

We offer classes and workshops 

to coax out your best self.

We believe that relational

living is key to happiness.


Bethany Erb, Editor in Chief. 