Month: March 2020

Editor’s Note: this post is taken from Nedley Health Solutions, a public health platform. As COVID-19 quarantining is under-way, we encourage our members to protect their health and hold onto a social network. 

“Thank you for taking global and national public health recommendations and legislations seriously.”

– Neil Nedley, M.D.. –

Main point: turn your disappointment into appointments


If you are wisely staying home, you may be frustrated over the social restrictions in place. All is not lost. As Buddhist Monk Jack Kornfield recommends, start planning how this situation can work for you.

You can focus on seven ways to enhance your mental health and optimize your brain during these shelter-in-place moments.

Quit Keeping Up With the Latest COVID-19 News

It is exhausting to see the changes hour-by-hour. Because you are already doing your part, there is nothing more you can usefully do by keeping up with the latest statistics, politics, and government edicts.  Being riveted on the news is a waste of time at this point so go on to number two.

Increase Your Daily Physical Exercise to At Least One Hour

If possible, exercise up to three hours on some days.  Even in California where currently the most stringent statewide shelter in place mandates have been enacted, hiking on trails in the open air is not forbidden. Take advantage of the extra time to yourself by enhancing your physical fitness. If the situation changes, please adjust your exercise activities accordingly.

Re-Organize Your House

This is the perfect opportunity to make every room enjoyable and clean.  Get rid of clutter, catch up on your mail, rearrange your furniture, and consider how to pare down where you have excess. Setting a timer for 15 minutes at a time can be a great way to get started on spring cleaning.

Plant a Garden

Try growing your own food and cultivating the outside of your house by planting flowers and grass being out. Spending time in nature and the garden is invaluable for your mental health.

Get Closer to the Members in Your Home

Science has long made the strong connection between social relationships and improved mental health. You and your home’s members are in this experience together – strive to do all you can to foster healthy, loving relationships with the people present in your life.

Expand Your Skills

Instead of pouring yourself into Netflix, social media, and the news, use your time to learn something new online. I urge you to commit to only doing verifiably useful things on screens during this time of social distancing.

Prioritize Spirituality

We do not often take the time needed to evaluate the state of our own spirituality. You now have this golden opportunity apart from the hustle and bustle of normal life. Take time to read a spiritual book or spend time evaluating what you believe.




