Month: April 2018

Staying Hydrated in a Thirsty World

Glug. Glug. Glug.  It was our last rest-stop before conquering the intimidating summit in Yosemite National Park, CA.
The sun was blazing overhead, and I could feel a salty trickle of sweat on my forehead. Eww.

The lukewarm water I had packed in the pre-hike rush now tasted like nectar. My body was craving water, and with a couple of gulps, it was hydrated enough to reach the top—in time to catch a stunning sunset.

Sometimes, it’s easy for me to forget that water is just as essential in my daily routine as it was mid-hike in Yosemite. But it’s true, nonetheless!

Our bodies are composed of roughly 60% water. If we’re dehydrated, our memory decreases, distractibility increases, wrinkles develop faster (no thank-you), and toxins leach nutrients from our systems. Plus, drinking water can energize muscles, meaning your recovery time after a jog can decrease with an extra glass of water. What’s not to love?

This morning, I placed a big water bottle next to my to-do list and smartphone. It’s a gentle reminder to drink up, stay hydrated, and reap the benefits.  Join me!  Let’s get healthy.  Let’s stay hydrated.



MEREWETHER BEACH: Stop and Smell the ocean 

Speaking of water’s healing powers, the Newcastle area has some beautiful beaches to stroll down, watch the waves, and relax after a busy workday.

Our favourite? Merewether Beach!

Merewether beach, Newcastle

Declared a National Surfing Reserve in 2009, this beach has some mesmerizing waves that are sure to impress. We love to stretch out with a good book and sunscreen and spot those waves (and the spectacular surfers!).




We empower you to invest in the

vitality of those around you.

We offer classes and workshops 

to coax out your best self.

We believe that relational

living is key to happiness.


Bethany, Editor-in-Chief.




